Saturday, September 13, 2008


I"m so terrible at updating this thing. I'm going to try harder though.

Well James is huge now.. he's over 12 lbs, so we got his crib and put it together and he will be moving to his own room shortly.... WAHHHHHHHHH I don't want him out of my room just yet, but he can't fit in his bassinet for much longer. Big boy that he is! I will miss him being in our bedroom, however I get to access my closet a little easier so that's always nice ;)

We are still looking for someone to watch him when I go back to work, so while you're praying say one for us. I need to go back to work (for many different reasons) so we really need someone to watch him!

He is doing real well, he's eating better and keeping it down a lot better... He is also starting to go a lot longer between feedings at night and pretty much sleeping through the night! He started that at about 6 weeks old! WOOO HOOO!

Check out this video of him moving around... he's getting more and more coordinated!

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