Monday, August 25, 2008

Yay for Sleep!

I got to sleep last night! I feel so great! James slept from 8 until 1 and then went back to sleep around 3 until 7! He really went about 5- 5 1/2 hours per feeding. It looks like to me that sleeping through the night is just around the bend! WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!I feel great today, I don't think I'll even need to take a nap! Now if we can get him to go to bed a little earlier it will be nice because once I go back to work we will be getting up at a quarter to 4 because his babysitter (that we hope will have her day care up... last I heard she was waiting on one kid... we'll see, I call her today) is kind of out of the way of work, and it takes him FOREVER to get ready to get out of the house.

His rash is looking TONS better. The sore on it is gone, it's just red and I'm confident that will be gone fairly soon.

We also did 3 week old pictures last week and I finally figured out how to put them on here. So here they are, I think they turned out so good! The last one is my absolute favorite!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fussy Babies

Fussy babies are ROUGH to deal with. Which is why I haven't updated recently. I'm now doing this by myself, my mom is back home, my husband is back to work so it's just me and James. And while I LOVE my son, don't get me wrong... it's very tiring, I get very little sleep and I can't wait until daddy comes home and I can pass him off for a few minutes of peace.

Anyway on Monday I called the dr back about James' rash. They finally got back to me Monday afternoon and told me to make an appt on Wednesday. SO yesterday I called and made the appt and we went in. His dr saw him this time (the other two times he was on vacation and we were seeing his partners) and prescribed two different creams to be put on 3 times a day for a week. I'm praying this works... we've been through so much with that little tushy!

I also exchanged some of the things we got from when James was a girl. (See our first ultrasound said we were having a girl, we were later told, IT'S A BOY! I had already had one baby shower for a girl) I visited the consignment shop with some items that stores wouldn't take back and hopefully we'll get some good store credit for when James gets a bit bigger and we need more clothes! (right now he has a TON and I'm not sure he will ever wear it all!)

I've put him to sleep for the 100th million time today... pray that he sleeps at least an hour for me... ahhhhh an hour's sleep sounds so wonderful.

And for the record, anyone who has twins, triplets or any more than that... my heart goes out to you, you are a STRONG woman! Keep it up! Better than I am for sure... I'm going crazy with just the little boy!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Another Fun Day Out

So yesterday we took James out for the first time without taking him to the dr first. He went to visit mommy and daddy's work for Employee Appreciation Day. It was so neat to see all the people go gaga over such a cute little boy! He was certainly a sensation and everyone was impressed with how smart he is! Totally awake and aware of what was going on (of course he was! We had just changed his diaper and we know how much he hates that!) It was fun to show him off :)

We also figured out something last night... James does not like to sleep without sound. He has to have some kind of noise (TV, radio, people talking, kids screaming etc) in order for him to STAY asleep. I have now taken to streaming live KLOVE (a Christian radio station) during the night to keep James from waking up. So far its worked, he woke to eat (which is why I'm up this early LOL) and went back to sleep (I always wait 15-20 min after he goes to sleep before I go to bed, nothing like getting comfortable and a baby waking back up LOL)

Saturday we go to get our first family pictures done. I'm so excited! Then I can get his birth announcements put together as well! Wooohoo!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Diaper Rash Solved

James IS allergic to Huggies FOR SURE... those are the ones he got the rash in and definitely allergic to White Cloud... from the dr and all that we're thinking it's the dyes in the diapers... SO our two options are Seventh Generation or Cloth... we're giving Seventh Generation a shot for now. I know when I go back to work I would have a hard time keeping up with the cloth diapers so they are our last resort.
She (the dr) sent us down the the NICU for their diaper rash solution. It's a 3 fold solution, a cleanser, a moisturizer and then the oinment itself. We also are not to use wipes on his tush right now.. ONLY cotton balls. So it takes us about 5 minutes each diaper change... which means I am getting peed on A LOT. LOL
HOWEVER in just one day the rash is down to half it's size and he's looking much better. We will stick with Seventh Generation diapers and keep up with the rash regimen until there is absolutely NO red on that bottom!
The cool thing was when they weighed him last appt (5 days ago) he weighed 8 lbs even... yesterday when they weighed him he weighed 9 lbs even... A WHOLE POUND in 5 days! That is totally insane! He is eating A LOT! My little piggy :) Dr said he was looking good in the weight gain dept and seems to be going through a growth spurt.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Diaper Rash

My poor baby boy. We've been trying this stuff for his rash since the dr gave it to us last Thursday... at first I thought it was getting better... now I'm thinking it's really not. I found a bit of blood on a clean diaper of his and it's really got me worried. Since the dr said if ANYTHING gets worse on his rash to get him in, I will be calling their office when they open at 7:30 and getting him an appt!

I feel so bad for my little guy... :( I can really tell he's hurting everytime I change his diaper. It was getting so much better and then it took a sudden change for the worse. I feel like such a bad mommy... I just don't even KNOW how this rash happened. He's so little...

I keep praying for him... he hurts so bad... he's been fussy all night and I just can't blame him one bit. Hopefully they'll make me an appt that I can make it to (will take us an hour and a half to get there at the earliest) and we'll figure something out for the poor guy.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Trading Stuff is FUN!

Okay for those of you who DON'T know... we were originally told that our precious son was supposed to be a precious daughter at first. We had an entire baby shower for a little girl while we were in Utah.

After we found out James was a boy we did exchange a few things but kept a lot of the girl stuff just in case there was another mix up. So NOW we have to go through and figure out where all this stuff was bought and try to exchange it... otherwise it will end up at a nice consignment shop where I can get $$ or credit for the items. I'm not looking forward to this because exchanging things without a reciept can get REAL messy!

To further compound this issue we found out the extra base we bought for James' car seat is the WRONG ONE. Now the store guy went in the back and gave us this base, we didn't pick it out ourselves so obviously HE made the mistake. We're missing the box, but on the bright side we still have the reciept... I just have a feeling that Babies R Us is REALLY not going to like me on Friday or Saturday (whenever I decide to take it back). It would be nice to be able to have my son in my car though... right now the only car we can use is Steve's because of the base problem.

My mom helped me out a ton today... we went through just about everything in James' room so I can get the crib in there... now I just have to get with Emily and Justin about getting the crib. I feel so rude asking though... i know I'm weird.

I'm going to miss my mom when she leaves :( She's only here for a few more days.. time is just FLYING by and my little boy is getting bigger and bigger... before I know it October will be here and I"ll be going back to work :( Please time... slow down!

Monday, August 11, 2008

First Post

Okay so this isn't my first blog... I'm ashamed to say I don't even KNOW where my first blog is... floating in cyber space somewhere I'm sure!

However I want to give this ONE MORE try. Considering I have my new baby boy here and all. It'll be nice to be able to talk about him and allow friends and family to see it.

Let's start with the basics. My name is Heidi and I'm 26 years old.. I've been married to my wonderful husband, Steve, for a little over 2 years now. On July 26th 2008 the most amazing miracle was brought into our lives. Our little boy James Eugene. He was born at 5:52 pm and weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and was 19 inches long.

James is now 2 weeks and 2 days old. Boy have our lives CHANGED in just 2 short weeks! It's amazing to see your heart living outside of your body. I'm not kidding, everything I do, I think of that little boy FIRST. He gets fed first, he gets attended to first, and if I have a spare moment (and so far I have had a few thanks to the generous help of my mom and husband) then I will take care of me.

So far James has proved to be one smart kid. He is already turning onto his side... he did that about 1 week old. He figured out how to get out of a swaddle at 2 days old and has hated that since. He's just a smart smart baby... we are going to have a handful with him!