Friday, August 15, 2008

Another Fun Day Out

So yesterday we took James out for the first time without taking him to the dr first. He went to visit mommy and daddy's work for Employee Appreciation Day. It was so neat to see all the people go gaga over such a cute little boy! He was certainly a sensation and everyone was impressed with how smart he is! Totally awake and aware of what was going on (of course he was! We had just changed his diaper and we know how much he hates that!) It was fun to show him off :)

We also figured out something last night... James does not like to sleep without sound. He has to have some kind of noise (TV, radio, people talking, kids screaming etc) in order for him to STAY asleep. I have now taken to streaming live KLOVE (a Christian radio station) during the night to keep James from waking up. So far its worked, he woke to eat (which is why I'm up this early LOL) and went back to sleep (I always wait 15-20 min after he goes to sleep before I go to bed, nothing like getting comfortable and a baby waking back up LOL)

Saturday we go to get our first family pictures done. I'm so excited! Then I can get his birth announcements put together as well! Wooohoo!

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