Thursday, August 14, 2008

Diaper Rash Solved

James IS allergic to Huggies FOR SURE... those are the ones he got the rash in and definitely allergic to White Cloud... from the dr and all that we're thinking it's the dyes in the diapers... SO our two options are Seventh Generation or Cloth... we're giving Seventh Generation a shot for now. I know when I go back to work I would have a hard time keeping up with the cloth diapers so they are our last resort.
She (the dr) sent us down the the NICU for their diaper rash solution. It's a 3 fold solution, a cleanser, a moisturizer and then the oinment itself. We also are not to use wipes on his tush right now.. ONLY cotton balls. So it takes us about 5 minutes each diaper change... which means I am getting peed on A LOT. LOL
HOWEVER in just one day the rash is down to half it's size and he's looking much better. We will stick with Seventh Generation diapers and keep up with the rash regimen until there is absolutely NO red on that bottom!
The cool thing was when they weighed him last appt (5 days ago) he weighed 8 lbs even... yesterday when they weighed him he weighed 9 lbs even... A WHOLE POUND in 5 days! That is totally insane! He is eating A LOT! My little piggy :) Dr said he was looking good in the weight gain dept and seems to be going through a growth spurt.

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