Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Diaper Rash

My poor baby boy. We've been trying this stuff for his rash since the dr gave it to us last Thursday... at first I thought it was getting better... now I'm thinking it's really not. I found a bit of blood on a clean diaper of his and it's really got me worried. Since the dr said if ANYTHING gets worse on his rash to get him in, I will be calling their office when they open at 7:30 and getting him an appt!

I feel so bad for my little guy... :( I can really tell he's hurting everytime I change his diaper. It was getting so much better and then it took a sudden change for the worse. I feel like such a bad mommy... I just don't even KNOW how this rash happened. He's so little...

I keep praying for him... he hurts so bad... he's been fussy all night and I just can't blame him one bit. Hopefully they'll make me an appt that I can make it to (will take us an hour and a half to get there at the earliest) and we'll figure something out for the poor guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't beat yourself up Heidi. Have you been putting the cream on and then letting him have naked time? That way the air helps his rash and you're not putting the diaper on the effected area.

I hope it goes away soon! Unfortunately, there will be more rashes in your future. You will get past them like you'll get through this one :)
